Saturday 21 April 2012


OMG! I just realised that I have not open my blog for 8 MONTHS!! =.="

Ok, let's go straight to the point. I had a wonderful day today that I gathered together with my lovely secondary school friends! They are Chen, Ying and Carmen. =D We had our lunch together and gossip around for 4 hours! Girls love gossip! But it is still not enough for us. We have too much things to catch up and share since we did not hang out like this before. What a sad thing! Seriously!! We really should hang out ALWAYS!!

*Took some photo while waiting for traffic light =b


*Of course we did not forget to take photo 

Mommy went to Sibu yesterday to attend some dinner so yeah, my sis and I took over the 'job' of mommy. So, tonight's dinner prepared by us! YUMMY~

*tomato egg, cucumber and fried luncheon meat 

Last thing..........

*a mask before sleep =D

♥ Good Night